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Authorization Help simplifies incident management

Solving user access issues can be a painful process for security administrators and delay system users from getting important work completed. Our Authorization Help solution is an authorization incident management solution that reduces the frequency of user authorization issues and the time and energy needed to resolve them.

Improve resolution efficiency with smart role recommendations.

Authorization Help aids end users, role owners, and IT by recommending roles that have the required access. Whether the issue deals with a derived role, a bug in the design of a single role, or a too narrowly-designed composite role, Authorization Help ensures the list of recommended roles is concise, complete, and at the right level of abstraction.

Improve resolution efficiency with smart role recommendations.

Simplify the transaction research process.

Simplify the transaction research process.

Detailed user transaction histories make researching the root cause of an authorization incident a much easier process. Instead of relying on a screen shot of SU53, security administrators can see a user's complete transaction history, giving them the data needed to resolve the issue without having to have users re-execute transactions under trace conditions.

Keep employees productive with user recommendations.

Authorization Help's smart user recommendations allow end users to continue operations while their authorization incidents are processed. This is done by suggesting other users in their department who have the necessary access to complete the transaction. Authorization Help is highly configurable to ensure that these recommendations are aligned with the organization's security policies.

Keep employees productive with user recommendations.

Improve implementation timelines.

Improve implementation timelines.

Authorization Help is installed as a transport into SAP and can be configured within a matter of minutes using your existing SAP resources.