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Fortune 100 Financial Services Company

Customer Environment:
SAP R/3 v4.7 Software - Enterprise Release

Customer Challenge:
To automate a newly imposed, semi-annual SAP user access compliance requirement
"Analisámos soluções concorrentes, mas após uma avaliação cuidadosa, ficou claro que essas soluções exigiriam níveis significativos de pessoal adicional, tempo e despesas para serem mantidas. Como estávamos lidando com um problema de conformidade, não queríamos incorrer em mais nenhum custo adicional, então era absolutamente necessário para garantir a conformidade. À primeira vista, estimamos que a solução Security Weaver poderia nos economizar aproximadamente 25 a 50% em relação às soluções alternativas."

VP de Sistemas Financeiros

A real-world example of Security Weaver's Compliance Solution for SAP Enterprise Software.


For the Vice President of Financial Systems for a Fortune 100 Insurance Company, the decision to implement an SAP compliance and reporting solution was initiated as a result of Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX).

According to the VP of Financial Systems, “As we considered the implications of SOX, and the sensitivity of the information in our SAP environment, we realized that as a company we needed to have complete visibility into user access to SAP. In order to provide that visibility we decided that we needed senior management to review and approve all SAP user access with a focus on segregation of duties (SODs) and sensitive transaction access (STAs). We knew that to do this effectively we needed a solution that integrated with our existing SAP environment and was both cost effective, easy to implement and use. It was also clear that, due to the complexity of their production environment with over 6,500 users, manually performing this function or building an in-house custom solution was not a viable long-term solution.”




The Evaluation Process

The desire to implement a cost effective solution that was easy to implement and use was a paramount consideration throughout the evaluation process. Additionally, according to the VP of Financial Systems, “Another key criterion was a solution that integrated directly with SAP. We were not interested in implementing a complex addition to our infrastructure just to host a compliance solution”. Many of Security Weaver’s competitors require separate hardware, operating systems and databases in order to implement their solutions. With Security Weaver, the fact that it is installed as a simple SAP transport and logically acts as a custom transaction code within SAP was a substantial plus for the Security Weaver solution

With approximately 6,500 users in their SAP environment, compliance is a daily challenge and with SOX to be continually in compliance is imperative. According to the VP of Financial Systems, “Another key consideration was application engineering and design. We could not afford to implement a solution that was not capable of keeping our SAP compliance in real-time. We needed a solution that was capable of analyzing vast amounts of data in minutes while providing clear and concise reporting. Because of its efficient design, Security Weaver was able to quickly evaluate the roles of over their 6500 SAP users against the approximately 44,000 unique SAP transaction codes in minutes. This is in contrast to alternative solutions which would take any where from several hours or in some cases several days to complete a similar task. “Security Weaver was the clear choice from a total cost of ownership perspective. We knew Security Weaver could provide a cost-effective solution that was easy to implement and use.”


The Benefits of Security Weaver

Now that the Security Weaver solution has been in place for approximately two years, the VP of Financial Systems is convinced that the decision to go with this solution was the best choice for his organization. He has experienced the benefits of Security Weaver in three distinct ways, and summarizes them as follows:

The Benefits of Security Weaver

Monitorização e Análise em Tempo Real

"Security Weaver monitora SODs em tempo real. Se alterarmos a função de um usuário, podemos usar o software para rever imediatamente quaisquer potenciais conflitos ou ramificações dessa decisão, conforme necessário, para garantir que estamos continuamente em conformidade.

Custo Mínimo de Conformidade

"Não só o Security Weaver foi a melhor escolha do ponto de vista funcional, mas também do ponto de vista do custo total de propriedade, levando em consideração todos os custos relacionados à inclusão desse item em nossa infraestrutura SAP. O software minimizou o custo da conformidade e permitiu-nos concentrar as nossas energias em iniciativas que são mais estratégicas do que relacionadas com a conformidade".

Torna as Tarefas Complexas Simples

"A Security Weaver compreende as complexidades e detalhes associados ao modelo de segurança SAP. Ele fornece as informações críticas em todos os níveis da organização para garantir a conformidade. Desde o CFO até um gerente de nível médio ou um administrador de sistemas que pode analisar detalhadamente os problemas de conformidade da SAP, o Security Weaver nos permite compreender e resolver facilmente nossos problemas de SAP SOD e STA em tempo real, fornecendo relatórios informativos com informações relevantes para a alta administração para que possamos permanecer totalmente em conformidade".