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Webinar February 03 : Should You Fix Your SAP S/4HANA Security Risks Before, During, or After Going Live? by Allen Cutting

When is the best time to fix your SAP S/4HANA Security Risks? 

Every organization using SAP will need to upgrade to SAP S/4HANA eventually. However, upgrading may be too mild of a word. With SAP S/4HANA, SAP has effectively re-architected the platform and these changes may have a huge impact on the security of your organization.

As such, deciding on when to fix your security risks when moving to S/4HANA is important. Factors on when it is best to include the size of your organization, the state of your current roles in your SAP environment, the skill set, and staff bandwidth, and how much time you have to go live — to name a few. 


Allen Cutting,
Senior Solutions Architect,
Security Weaver,

Join as Allen Cutting, he discusses how to determine when it is best to fix the security risks created by moving to SAP S/4HANA.

Click here for details on how to attend the webinar event, and to view the recording following the live session.

Here's a sneak peek into our previous webinar. To watch the full recording, Join our Security Weaver User Group on LinkedIn.

September 23, 2021 - How to Streamline Tedious Tasks for Derived Roles by Allen Cutting

Learn the benefits and drawbacks of derived roles and ways that you can use automated tools that pre-define sets of organization values, reducing the time and effort often needed to create them.

Watch Full Video

Security Weaver has a Live Webinar every week. Join our LinkedIn user group to know about our upcoming webinars or to watch our previous webinars.

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