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Webinar May 27th : How Security Weaver and SAP Fiori Streamline Access Requests

Can SAP Fiori help to streamline access requests? 

In large organizations with thousands of technically named roles, requesting the right access can be frustrating for end-users. This frustration grows quickly whenever a request stalls because the right approvers were not notified or because the request was not correctly submitted.

More often than not, the reason a request is not properly routed or approvers not notified is due to inadequate workflow automation and the reason requests are not submitted correctly is due to users having to grapple with a confusing user interface (UI). An intuitive user experience (UX) goes a long way to getting access requests properly submitted. Getting the UI right for those requesting access and ensuring proper routing and notifications are automatically handled can make all the difference in whether end-users think the security team is helpful or a hassle. With Security Weaver's SAP Fiori app, access requests and the resulting approval workflows are simplified, intuitive, and able to handle complex requirements.

Using SAP Fiori, Security Weaver offers an application with an intuitive user experience that is consistent across desktops and devices and is able to streamline access request management.


Somil Agarwal
Senior Product Consultant
Security Weaver

Join Somil Agarwal,  as he discusses how Security Weaver is leveraging SAP Fiori to offer an app that helps users quickly decide the right access to request, automates the access request process so requests are sent to the right people ensures improved end-user satisfaction scores.

Click here for details on how to attend the webinar event, and to view the recording following the live session.

Here's a sneak peek into our previous webinar. To watch the full recording, Join our Security Weaver User Group on LinkedIn.

April 22, 2021 - Using Fiori for better Stakeholder Interactions to manage SAP Access Risks more Efficiently by Chandeep S Batra

With the introduction of Fiori into the SAP landscape, there are new tools available to security administrators to help make the process easier. With new automated systems, managers or role owners are now able to get alerts in one single inbox, even when they are coming from different applications within the SAP environment.

Watch Full Video

Security Weaver has a Live Webinar every week. Join our LinkedIn user group to know about our upcoming webinars or to watch our previous webinars.

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