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Webinar: SAP S/4HANA Access – Do You Know What Risks Remain?

Savvy Executives know where the bodies are buried around SAP Access Risk.  They recognize that the quality and integrity of their financial reporting is dependent on SAP, but the complexity of the platform forces them to rely on sub-certifications and insurance policies to safeguard against personal liability, hoping to protect the integrity of their financial reporting.  How can executives abstract away the technology, know where to focus in order to build additional credibility, and provide much needed guidance – in effect, lead from the trenches?

Join Terry Hirsch, CEO of Security Weaver, to learn the questions every C-suite leader should be asking about SAP access-related risks. Learn how executives can lead their organizations to get clear answers to those questions and to mitigate emerging risks in real-time. Learn how leaders can avoid getting mired in the technical complexity of SAP and instead understand where the actual, imminent, and real risks are due to SAP user access. Leave knowing how to lower the risks, quantify the actual financial exposure, and protect both your company's and your own reputation.

Join our LinkedIn Security Weaver User Group for details on how to attend the webinar event, and to view the recording following the live session here.

Security Weaver has a Live Webinar every week. Join our LinkedIn user group to know about our upcoming webinars or to watch our previous webinars.

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