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Take control of SOD security risks across your enterprise through comprehensive SOD analysis, reporting, and mitigation management

With the advent of Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX), companies are realizing that it is essential to ensure that business systems are free from SOD conflicts. Our services include a comprehensive SOD analysis which helps your enterprise identify and resolve SOD violations across multiple platforms. This ensures a solid SOD security program that protects your organization from potential fraud or material misrepresentation of financial statements.

Our SOD analysis services ensure your environment stays in compliance and remains free of SOD violations through:

Thorough business analysis of SAP users to identify SOD conflicts.

Recommendations for setting up mitigating controls to satisfy the auditors if business users must have SOD violations.

Our user administration process review provides you with a roadmap to ensure your environmnent remains free from SOD violations and any future problems before they arise.