Webinar April 21st : Ask the Experts: Your SAP Role Redesign Questions Answered Part 2 by Andy Hartley and Devin McLaughlin
How do you know it is time to redesign your SAP role catalog?…
Webinar March 03rd : How Hard is Automating SAP SoD Remediation? by Dinesh Dhiman
What is the best way to ensure that you are catching 100% of your…
Webinar 28th October : 4 Keys to Having a Smooth SAP S/4HANA Migration by Devin McLaughlin
How do you ensure a smooth SAP S/4HANA migration? If you…
Webinar July 29th : Five Ways to Mitigate Risks with Sensitive Access and SOD Conflicts by Diane Reinsma
How do you mitigate risks with sensitive access and SoD conflicts? Mitigating…
3 ways a more efficient authorization incident process impacts end users
Following up on my last post about making life easier for an SAP…