jueves 10 de marzo : 6 Acciones críticas de los usuarios en SAP a las que hay que prestar atención
¿Cuál es la mejor manera de detectar acciones crí…
Webinar March 03rd : How Hard is Automating SAP SoD Remediation? by Dinesh Dhiman
What is the best way to ensure that you are catching 100% of your…
Webinar February 24th : Architecture & Benefits of the SAP HANA Database by Sirish Gullapalli
How do you get the benefits of SAP HANA while avoiding the risks?…
jueves 10 de febrero 2022 : 5 formas de mitigar los riesgos de accesos críticos y los conflictos de SOD
¿Cómo se mitigan los riesgos con el acceso crí…
Webinar February 03 : Should You Fix Your SAP S/4HANA Security Risks Before, During, or After Going Live? by Allen Cutting
When is the best time to fix your SAP S/4HANA Security Risks?…
Webinar January 27th : Ask the Experts: Your SAP Role Redesign Questions Answered by Andy Hartley and Devin McLaughlin
What are best practices for designing SAP roles? A myriad of situations can…
Webinar January 20th : 6 Critical SAP User Actions to Watch For by Isaac Kimmel
What is the best way to ensure you catch critical user actions in…