Webinar April 21st : Ask the Experts: Your SAP Role Redesign Questions Answered Part 2 by Andy Hartley and Devin McLaughlin
How do you know it is time to redesign your SAP role catalog?…
Webinar 31st March : How Streamlining Your SAP Licenses Can Eliminate Unnecessary Costs by Kevin Kuestermeyer
How do you optimize your SAP licensing? Having a system in place…
Webinar February 24th : Architecture & Benefits of the SAP HANA Database by Sirish Gullapalli
How do you get the benefits of SAP HANA while avoiding the risks?…
Webinar January 13th : What is better than SU53 for handling SAP authorization errors? by Miguel Hernandez Azpeitia
What is the fastest way to handle your SAP authorization errors? The…
Webinar December 09th : Did You Stop Before SAP Security Became Efficient? by Devin McLaughlin
Are you getting the most out of your SAP security investments? Every…
Webinar 28th October : 4 Keys to Having a Smooth SAP S/4HANA Migration by Devin McLaughlin
How do you ensure a smooth SAP S/4HANA migration? If you…
Webinar 07th October : 3 Project Phases to Compliance and How to Succeed at Each by Sirish Gullapalli
What is the path to SAP compliance? Compliance is increasingly relevant for…
Webinar September 16th : How to Apply the Principle of Least Privilege in the Real World
How can you apply "least privilege" in the real world? One of…